I was reminded of this quote last night while doing some homework for a course I am taking with @racheal.cook
I remember when I read it a few years ago and how much it resonated with me.
There is only one of each of us in all time. Let that sink in for a moment.
If there are things that you feel born to do or drawn to do for some reason that you can’t explain but which you can’t shake, then please spend a few moments to think how you can do those things while you are here.
How can you stop blocking yourself?
Because if you do continue to block yourself, the things that you could do and could express will never exist and will be lost. I find that truly heartbreaking. It is this truth that is at the heart of The Midlife Courage Project.
Please subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I share tools, stories and resources to help you stop blocking yourself so that you can take your most important dreams off hold.