"People may call what happens at midlife a "crisis", but it's not. It's an unraveling - a time when you feel a desperate pull to live the life you want to live, not the one you're "supposed" to want to live ... to let go of who you think you're supposed to be and to embrace who you are."

Brene Brown

Are you ready "to let go of who you think you're supposed to be and to embrace who you are" in this next chapter of your life?

As a society, we talk about what happens at midlife as a crisis. Which sets us up for resignation and regret. It can seem like it's too late to fulfill some of our bigger dreams.

To me, it feels more like an opportunity than a crisis. We can choose to see the "big" birthdays as an opportunity for reflection, for reimagining what is possible and, perhaps, for reinvention.

I created Your Next Chapter Map because I believe - wholeheartedly - that, at midlife, it's too late NOT to pursue some of your bigger and bolder dreams. 

I created Your Next Chapter Map for me and for women like me. For women who know that they want to start living more courageously. To dig deeper. To bring their bigger dreams to life. To live an irresistible obituary.

If there are things that you've always wanted to do, later is here. It's time.

“There is no statute of limitations on starting over. Re-invent yourself every day. Be the girl who walks barefoot and listens to blues. Tomorrow, wear a trench coat and speak fierce truths. Be a phoenix. Be ashes. Burn down. Resurrect. Let go of the idea that you must always be who you have always been.”


Why do we stay stuck in lives that we have outgrown or which never fit us in the first place?

I have found in my own life and in my clients’ lives that, when we feel stuck or when we don’t pursue our most meaningful life, one or more of three things is happening:

1.  You’re not completely sure what it is that you want to achieve, explore or experience. You might not know what you do want but you do know that you’re not happy with how things are right now. You thought that your life at this age would be very different than it is and you’re ready to do something about it. You might have spent years or decades living someone else’s definition of “success” and you are now finding that it feels increasingly hollow and disappointing to you. Or you might love many aspects of your life and have had an amazing career but you still have this constant nagging sensation that you’re ready for something bigger. That you’re ready to do work or pursue dreams that every step you’ve taken in your life so far has prepared you for. But, and this is a big but, you genuinely can’t get a sense of what it is exactly that you want to change or pursue; or

2.  You know exactly what you want to change or do or pursue in this next chapter of your life but you can’t figure out the “how” of the changes you want to make. You’re at a loss as to how to get from where you are now to where you want to be; or

3.  You know what you want and you have a pretty clear idea of what you would need to do to make it happen but you just can't seem to find the time, energy or courage to make the changes you want to make.  Or, the thing that you want to do seems “too big” so you keep talking yourself out of pursuing it. You are starting to realize that the biggest thing getting in your way is you. This has been my personal favorite - I could have earned a PhD in procrastination but I never got round to it ...  

Your Next Chapter Map was designed to help you to overcome these obstacles:

1.  I will help you to get clearer on what it is you want to do or achieve or experience in this next chapter if you’re feeling confused or unsure about what it is you want to do or which dreams you want to pursue.

2.  If you know what it is that you want to do (for example, you know you want to start a business but you’re not sure how to make that happen), I will help you to figure out the how to go from where you are in your life right now to where you want to be.

3.  If it were easy to make these changes, you would have done so already. It isn’t easy to make bigger changes and having a coach in your corner can make all the difference in the world. I will be here to encourage you, to support you, to give you a perspective that is hard for you to see by yourself and to be a passionate defender of your dreams if I sense that you are falling into old patterns of self-sabotage.

Lin Manuel Miranda

"That clock you hear is the sound of your own  heart.  Sink your teeth into this life, and don't let go."

 So how does Your Next Chapter Map work?

To create Your Next Chapter Map, you will work through a six-step process.

You will receive a video or audio recording for each step plus additional resources (books, podcasts or articles that dig deeper into the material for that step) plus worksheets to complete.

You will also get 12 hours of coaching time with me to support you as you go through the process.  We will schedule the coaching time over a 3 month period - you can schedule four 60 minute calls per month or two 90 minute calls plus one 60 minute call per month.

 If you want to create Your Next Chapter Map more quickly and you have time to do a lot of work in a short period of time, we can do the work together over a weekend or with 3 hours per week during the course of a month.

You might have a specific goal or project in mind that you would like to map out or reverse-engineer with me.  Or you might have a vague idea of some of the things that you would like to achieve and experience and you would like support in creating the focus and framework to decide which of those things you want to prioritize.  Or you might feel like you have absolutely no idea what's next.

As your coach, I will meet you where you are.  I passionately believe that the process I have created for Your Next Chapter Map gives you a framework that will be invaluable not only for the change or changes you want to make now but as a framework you can use again and again as your life continues to evolve during the years ahead.

$6,000 or $2,100 per month for three months


click here to book a discovery call

"While we have the gift of life, it seems to me that only tragedy is to allow part of us to die—whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness.”

Gilda Radner